Wednesday 16 April 2014

Skin Tips For Women Skin Tips in Urdu in Hindi by Dr Kurram for Men for Oily Skin in Urdu Language for Winter Photos Images Wallpapers

Skin Tips For Women Biography


Fight against acne. Acne is one of the of the most stubborn and irritating skin problems out there. Although it primarily affects teenagers, it can last well into adulthood and no one is immune to the odd pimple here and there. Since acne is such a widespread problem, there are many treatments available and with a little trial and error you can find one that works for you.
Follow the normal skincare routine of cleansing, toning and moisturizing, but be sure to use products designed especially for acne-prone skin. Try using cleansers containing ingredients such as triclosan, benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. Use a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer to combat any dryness.
In addition to the normal skincare routine, it often helps to use a medicated spot treatment, which usually come in cream or ointment form. Some of the most effective treatments include ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, sulfur, retinoids and azelaic acid. Although most of these topical treatment creams are available over-the-counter, some stronger concentrations may require a prescription.
If spot treatments alone don't seem to be working, make an appointment with a dermatologist. They can prescribe an array of medications - topical and oral - depending on the type and severity of your acne. Some people respond to oral anti-biotics, some women find that going on the pill helps, and others require more intense retinoid treatments, such as accutane.
2Deal with aging. Fine lines, wrinkles, sagging and brown spots are all skin care issues that everybody will have to deal with at some point in their lives. However, with the right care and protection it's possible to stave off these issues and keep your skin looking young for as long as possible.
Firstly, it's important that you follow a skin care regimen using products designed for older skin. These products are richer and therefore more hydrating, which is important as older skin tends to become dried out and papery.
To combat wrinkles and saggy skin, look for moisturizing creams or lotions containing antioxidants. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals - which destroy skin cells and contribute to signs of aging. Some common ingredients that contain antioxidants include tea extracts, retinol ( a vitamin A compound) and kenetin (a plant compound that is believed to increase collagen in the skin).[6]
To deal with brown spots and sun damage, look for products that contain beta and alpha hydroxy acids as these exfoliate the skin, removing the dead, discolored layers and revealing the fresher, smoother skin underneath.
However, if you're looking for one magic, cure-all product for lines and wrinkles, there's only one product that stands up to the task - Retin-A. Retin-A - known generically as tretinoin or retinoic acid - is an acidic form of vitamin A which is extremely effective at reducing wrinkles, firming saggy skin and lightening discolorations, which it does by increasing cell turnover, stimulating collagen production and exfoliating the skin. Retin-A is only available with a prescription, so speak to your dermatologist if you're interested in starting this treatment

Combat discoloration. Discoloration includes problems such as brown spots, dark patches and hyperpigmentation.
These problems are caused by the overproduction of melanin in your skin, which can be triggered by a vast array of things such as sun exposure, pregnancy, menopause, birth control pills, other medications and picking at blemishes. Although discoloration will sometimes fade on its own, there are many treatments and creams that can help speed the process along.
The first step in the treatment of discoloration is to pick up a selection of skincare products containing retinoids and use them on a daily basic. Vitamin A derived retinoids exfoliate the skin to remove the discolored top layers of skin and replace them with fresh, new skin. Skin should improve over a matter of months. If you want a more fast-acting treatment, get a prescription for a cream or gel containing retinoic acid, which produces the same results but it significantly stronger.
If you're looking for more of a bleaching treatment (to lighten dark patches or melasma), hydroquinone is an effective option. Hydroquinone lightens the skin by inhibiting melanin production. The 2% formula is available over-the-counter, but you will need a doctor to prescribe the stronger 4% formula. Before using this treatment it is important to be aware that hydroquinone has been banned in large parts of Asia and Europe due to its potential carcinogenic properties.
If cost is not an issue, you could also look into getting laser or light treatments, chemical peels or microdermabrasion. Speak to your dermatologist to figure out which is the best option for you.
And finally, the most important thing to remember when dealing with discoloration is to always wear sunscreen. Sunscreen can prevent UV light from triggering melanin production and making the discoloration worse.
4Handle sensitivity. Having sensitive skin can be a pain - you need to be so careful about the products you use and how you treat your skin, otherwise you could end up with issues such as excessive dryness or redness, stinging sensations, red bumps or even pustules.
Having sensitive skin also makes you more prone to developing skin conditions such as eczema, rosacea, acne and contact dermatitis. However, if you can learn to have a little patience and make informed decisions about your skincare, sensitive skin is entirely manageable.
As mentioned before, when buying products for sensitive skin it is important to avoid cleanser, moisturizers and other products which contain colors or fragrances, as these products are much more likely to produce an undesirable reaction. When choosing, try to go for the simplest products possible - look for cleansers and creams with ten ingredients or less.
You will also need to avoid products containing ingredients such as antibacterial agents, alcohol, retinoids or alpha hydroxy acids. Even though these substances may be beneficial for other skin types, on sensitive skin they will merely cause dryness and irritation.
Instead, look for products that containing soothing and anti-inflammatory ingredients such as chamomile, white tea, aloe, calendula, oats and marine plants.
If there is a particular product you want to use, but you're unsure of how your skin will react, then it's a good idea to do a patch test first. Start by taking a small amount of product and rubbing it on the skin behind the ear. Do this for five nights in a row, and if no irritation occurs, try applying it to a small patch of skin beside your eye. Repeat the process and if there are no signs of irritation, it should be safe to apply the product to your entire face.
In terms of make up, look for silicone-based foundation as this is the least likely to cause a reaction. Stick with pencil eyeliners and brow fillers, as their liquid counterparts tend to contain latex, which is a common allergen. Don't use waterproof mascara, as it requires a special type of cleanser to remove which is too harsh for sensitive skin

Eat healthy. Make sure you follow a healthy diet, enriched with the vitamins and minerals your skin needs.Vitamins B, C, E, A and K all help keep your skin fresh and glowing.
Vitamin B forms the basis of skin, nails and hair. You can find this vitamin in foods like oatmeal, eggs, rice, bananas and even Vegemite.
Vitamin C protects your skin against sun exposure, keeping you away from skin cancer. Vitamin C pops up in citrus foods such as lemons, limes, oranges, bell peppers, cranberry/grape juice, cauliflower, and leafy greens.
Vitamin E also helps protect your skin against sun exposure, and can be found in foods such as olives, spinach, nuts, seeds and vegetable oils.
Vitamin A is essential for repair of the skin tissue-without it your skin will look dry and flaky. Vitamin A is found in fruits and veggies-so load up.
Vitamin K helps reduce dark circles under eyes, as well as bruises. Vitamin K is hidden away in leafy green vegetables, dairy products, and meats such as pork and liver.

Stay hydrated. As you probably know, drinking water is important for clear, healthy skin. This is due to the fact that your skin - like most other cells in the body - is composed primarily of water.
Without enough water, your skin can become dehydrated and look dry, tight and flaky. Over time, this can lead to the appearance of wrinkles.
Drinking water also helps to eliminate harmful toxins from the body, which would otherwise build-up and wreak havoc on your skin and overall well-being.[10]
Although there's no exact scientific measurement of how much water you should be drinking a day (it varies from person to person and according to climate and physical activity) a good base would be 6 to 8 glasses.
If drinking water isn't your thing, you can substitute by drinking plenty of green or herbal tea, or coconut water (which is said to be extra good for your skin).
You should also try to eat lots of fruits and vegetables with a high water content, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelon, grapes, iceberg lettuce, celery and radishes.

Skin Tips For Women Skin Tips in Urdu in Hindi by Dr Kurram for Men for Oily Skin in Urdu Language for Winter Photos Images Wallpapers
Skin Tips For Women Skin Tips in Urdu in Hindi by Dr Kurram for Men for Oily Skin in Urdu Language for Winter Photos Images Wallpapers
Skin Tips For Women Skin Tips in Urdu in Hindi by Dr Kurram for Men for Oily Skin in Urdu Language for Winter Photos Images Wallpapers
Skin Tips For Women Skin Tips in Urdu in Hindi by Dr Kurram for Men for Oily Skin in Urdu Language for Winter Photos Images Wallpapers
Skin Tips For Women Skin Tips in Urdu in Hindi by Dr Kurram for Men for Oily Skin in Urdu Language for Winter Photos Images Wallpapers
Skin Tips For Women Skin Tips in Urdu in Hindi by Dr Kurram for Men for Oily Skin in Urdu Language for Winter Photos Images Wallpapers
Skin Tips For Women Skin Tips in Urdu in Hindi by Dr Kurram for Men for Oily Skin in Urdu Language for Winter Photos Images Wallpapers
Skin Tips For Women Skin Tips in Urdu in Hindi by Dr Kurram for Men for Oily Skin in Urdu Language for Winter Photos Images Wallpapers
Skin Tips For Women Skin Tips in Urdu in Hindi by Dr Kurram for Men for Oily Skin in Urdu Language for Winter Photos Images Wallpapers
Skin Tips For Women Skin Tips in Urdu in Hindi by Dr Kurram for Men for Oily Skin in Urdu Language for Winter Photos Images Wallpapers
Skin Tips For Women Skin Tips in Urdu in Hindi by Dr Kurram for Men for Oily Skin in Urdu Language for Winter Photos Images Wallpapers

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